Just Stupid Book cover

What are the stories?

  • 1
  • 2
    Expel Me!
  • 3
  • 4
    Runaway Pram
  • 5
    Food Fight
  • 6
  • 7
    Who Am I?
  • 8
  • 9
    Chubby Bubbies

Just Stupid!

JUST STUPID! is the third book in the series. Published in 1999 it consists of nine stupid short stories about some of the stupidest things I’ve ever done.

Is this the right book for you?

Take the STUPID TEST and find out. Score one point for each YES answer.

  • Do you worry about getting sucked into the top of escalators?
  • Do you push doors marked PULL and pull doors marked PUSH?
  • Do you believe a bogeyman hides under the bed?
  • Do you automatically turn round when someone calls, ‘Hey, Stupid!’?
  • Do you think that being able to stuff your mouth full of marshmallows is a sign of superior intelligence?

So, What’s your score?

  • 3–5: You are extremely stupid. You will love this book.
  • 1–2: You are fairly stupid. You will love this book.
  • 0: You think you’re really smart but deep down you’re as stupid as the rest of us. You will love this book.


YABBA (Young Australians Best Book Awards) Winner Younger Readers 2000
KOALA (Kids Own Australian Literature Awards) Winner Senior Readers 1999
KROC (Kids Reading Oz Choice) Most Popular 2002

What are the stories?

  • 1
  • 2
    Expel Me!
  • 3
  • 4
    Runaway Pram
  • 5
    Food Fight
  • 6
  • 7
    Who Am I?
  • 8
  • 9
    Chubby Bubbies
“Unruly comedy and un-restrainable rebelliousness”
Australian Financial Review
“Children will delight in searching through the pages of quirky, gimmicky sketches and pictures for jokes, puns, gags and word play”
“These are fast-paced, lighthearted, lots-of-fun stories, designed to demonstrate to young readers that books and stories are involving, funny and thoroughly enjoyable”

Check out what’s inside

Just Stupid page with illustration and hand written text that says 'This page would be BLANK if I were not here telling you that this page would be BLANK if I were not here telling you that this page would be blank'
Just Stupid Page 1
Just Stupid Book Page
Just Stupid Book Page
Just Stupid Book Page
Just Stupid Book Page

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